




We provide a wide range of family/child/青少年 (FCA) courses and practica. 治疗FCA问题, we empha大小 the acquisition of both traditional child-clinical skills (评估, 个体治疗)和家庭干预技巧(家庭治疗), 一些治疗, 儿童监护评估).

对于有兴趣在毕业后从事FCA职业的学生, we recommend that they take advant年龄 of specific offerings in our program. The core of these learning experiences includes: (1) basic coursework (child psychopathology, 孩子的评估, 儿童心理治疗, family therapy); (2) a one-year practicum (field placement) in an FCA setting; (3) PhD Research Seminar with a focus on FCA research; (4) dissertation research on an FCA topic; and (5) an internship focusing on FCA populations. 我们也提供不同的选修课. Six of the clinical PhD Research Seminars are led by faculty members with expertise in various FCA psychology topics (Professors Casey, Ja, 梅农, 莫拉莱斯, 和波特). Students have the option to take as few or as many of these extensive FCA offerings as fit their career goals.

性别研究 & 同性恋心理

心理学 of Women, Men, Gender Roles, and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans性别 Issues

The field of 性别研究 as defined here includes the study of 性别 role socialization processes and norms for males and females across the lifespan, 还有关于女同性恋的话题, 同性恋, 双性恋, 跨性别者(LGBT)的身份发展和关系. 教师 and students who work in this area are particularly interested in the behavioral and mental health consequences of 性别-related socialization experiences (for example, 在饮食失调等方面, 抑郁症, 药物滥用, 亲密伴侣暴力, 健康相关行为, and division of household tasks and childcare between parents in families).

与我们学校的博士项目相结合, 课程的主题包括妇女的寿命发展, 接受治疗的男性, 家庭暴力, 女权主义的监督方法. Also, San Francisco provides unique opportunities for clinical and research projects on these topics.

Students may complete their second or third year clinical practicum at an 年龄ncy specializing in LGBT issues (for example, 伯克利的太平洋中心). Students also can enroll in one or as many courses as they wish in the online Rockway Institute 证书 程序 in LGBT Human Services & 心理健康. See the sections of this catalog pertaining to the Rockway Institute and to 在线 Courses for a more complete description of the 证书 程序 in LGBT Human Services & 心理健康.



  • 双文化/多元文化的能力和认同
  • 评估, 不同人群的心理治疗和治疗结果(文化, 性取向, 性别, 大小, 年龄, SES, 难民, 退伍军人, 等.)
  • 社会特权和压迫的影响, 尤其是在体型方面, 外表, 性取向, 比赛, 性别, 性别表达, 宗教, 年龄, 社会阶层, 等.
  • 反种族主义和其他社会正义问题, 以及与治疗有关的问题, 道德, 临床训练, 指导和监督


  • 同性伴侣和他们的孩子
  • Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans性别, Questioning, Intersex, and Asexual (LGBTQIA) Issues

多元文化社区心理学, 程序 Evaluation, Social Justice


  • 幼儿期和社区预防和干预
  • 程序 evaluation in behavioral health systems including man年龄d care systems
  • Organizational systems with a focus on man年龄d behavioral health policy, evaluation, and analysis
  • Cost analysis and studies in 项目 for Assertive Community Treatment (PACT)
  • Workforce development and pipeline; Latino health and higher education
  • 暴力行为及其预测
  • Juvenile and adult justice systems including drug courts and alternative community approaches in violence intervention


  • 接触物质的婴儿和父母
  • Juvenile substance use, delinquency, probation, protective factors and resilience
  • 治疗因素和患者结果
  • Substance abuse and HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment in multicultural communities
  • 药物依赖
  • 物质使用障碍和创伤后应激障碍的双重诊断
  • Juvenile and adult justice systems including drug courts and alternative community approaches in violence intervention


  • 心理学和心理治疗中的社会公正
  • 男同性恋,女同性恋,双性恋,变性人公共政策问题
  • 反种族主义和其他社会正义问题, 以及与治疗有关的问题, 道德, 临床训练, 指导和监督



  • 创伤后应激障碍的治疗
  • 亲密伴侣暴力、虐待儿童和战斗创伤
  • 性创伤
  • PTSD的神经心理功能
  • 创伤对家庭及亲子关系的影响
  • 创伤的代际传递
  • 精神诊断和神经心理学评估
  • 治疗因素和患者结果
  • 抑郁和自杀
  • 同时发生的物质使用和PTSD双重诊断障碍


  • 应对
  • 保护因素和恢复力
  • 预防和早期干预


  • 初级保健中的行为医学
  • 初级保健中的物质使用和其他精神障碍
  • 精神药理学
  • 慢性疼痛
  • 各种体型的健康
  • 创伤性脑损伤
  • 青少年的慢性病依从性
  • 神经心理评估



  • 儿童早期预防和干预
  • 接触物质的婴儿和父母
  • 高功能儿童和青少年
  • 广泛性发育障碍(ADHD)的评估


  • 不同家庭和学校背景下的青少年发展
  • 同一性测量
  • 与儿童有关的反种族主义和社会正义问题, 青少年, 妇女的发展, 再到治疗, 道德, 临床训练, 指导和监督
  • 青少年干预


  • 夫妇/家庭疗法
  • 父亲参与
  • 家庭治疗中的多元文化影响
  • 创伤暴露家庭的家庭功能
  • 性格及家庭评估


除了必修课程之外, the San Francisco PhD program is committed to offering a broad array of elective courses reflecting theory, 评估, 以及对各种系统的干预, with a particular emphasis on multicultural and diversity issues to prepare students for professional practice in a pluralistic society.